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Annoucements Athlete Training Calorie Crusher Cardio Charity Rydes Cycling Cycling Classes Engaging fitness tips food tips Full Body Workouts Fun FUNdraising Rydes group classes Health Healthy Recipes Instructor Spotlight Member Spotlight Mental Health Motivation Outdoor Cycling Party Ryde Physical Health Power Ryder of the Month Psychological Benefits Spring Break Strength Training Strength Training structured workout Student of the Month Student Spotlight TRX training Wellness
There is nothing better than a good, fulfilling workout. Not only is it good for your body, but it also helps your mind stay sharp and balances your mood by telling the brain to release endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. ...

Life as a parent is, in a word, unpredictable. Flying by the seat of your pants is a style you are accustomed to, but it can make it hard to make time for a workout. Enter on-demand classes with Power Ryde. On-demand workouts are fantastic because they not...

Who Brought the POWER in March (2022)?
APR 12, 2022
Marcia Potts
This month we are spotlighting Marcia Potts, who has been ryding with us since early 2018. I am going to keep this intro short and sweet, because Marcia does such an amazing, thorough job describing what it is about Power Ryde that has kept her coming back for so many years. Her Power Ryde story began with a Groupon ad that led her to a workout she loves. A workout that has made her ...

Who Brought the POWER in February (2022)?
FEB 28, 2022
Beth Lutz
Where do I even begin with Beth?
Beth has been sweating with us for almost 6 years! She started with our cycle classes in 2016 and then became a regular in our Off the Bike strength classes, pre-Covid.
Not only does Beth work hard, but she also cracks jokes and a funny way...during class. It is her eye rolls, facial expressions, and quick-wit that I love most about h...

Who Brought the POWER in January (2022)?!
JAN 27, 2022
Christina Scavone
This month we are spotlighting a ryder who first started ryding with us in 2014, but started ryding on the RealRyder bikes years before that! Give it up for Christina Scavone!
Christina found the RealRyder bikes back home in Pennsylvania. When she moved to Cincinnati in 2014, she found Power Ryde! She rode with us for a couple years and then she was relocated for work a couple...

Who Brought the POWER in December (2021)?!
DEC 27, 2021
Tara Ings
This month we are spotlighting one of our most upbeat and hard-working ryders, Tara! Tara has been ryding with us since 2017. I still remember the day she came in for her first class. She said she had moved from Boston and loved spinning, but hadn't found the right studio for her. I was so hoping Power Ryde would become her place. ...It's almost 5 years later and Tara is still working ...

Who Brought the POWER in November (2021)?
NOV 28, 2021
Emily Wiwel
This month we are spotlighting a Power Ryder who has been ryding with us since November of 2019; exactly 2 years when I reached out to see if she would be our next Student of the Month!
Emily first came with her sister, because her sister wanted to do a spin class! Emily felt so strong and empowered after her first ryde, that she bought our Intro Offer and has been coming ever since!...

Who Brought the POWER in October (2021)?
SEP 30, 2021
Judi Robbins
This month we are spotlighting a newer ryder who is just as bubbly and energetic on the bike as she is off the bike! Meet Judi Robbins!
Judi started ryding with us in February of this year. She found us through a Google search; she was looking for a cycle studio closer to her home. I remember meeting Judi after her first ryde; she came out of the spin room with a huge smile on her f...

Who Brought the POWER in September (2021)?
SEP 16, 2021
Terri Rutz
As Fall marathon season approaches, we are spotlighting one (of many) of our Power Ryding runners, Terri Rutz!
Terri started ryding with us in June of 2019. She is a distance runner who just so happens to run with our instructor, Nicole. Nicole encouraged Terri, and others in their run group, to come give Power Ryde a try. Nicole saw her running improve as she cross-trained at Power R...

Who Brought the POWER in August (2021)?
AUG 16, 2021
Heather Egnaczyk
This month we are spotlighting one of our ryders who brings a smile to our faces every time she walks through our doors! Give it up for Heather!!!
Heather is such a bright light at Power Ryde, on and off the bike; she works hard in class and makes us laugh before and after class. Every time she emails me, I find myself smiling so big or laughing so hard, because I can literally ...