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Cashew Chicken with Paleo Cole Slaw
MAY 5, 2014
Looking for something a little sweet, a little creamy, and a little crunchy? Try this for dinner! And enjoy the leftovers the next day for lunch!

Sweet, Creamy, and Crunchy Paleo Chicken Salad
MAY 3, 2014
Looking for a healthier alternative to your favorite chicken salad recipe? Try this one! It is dairy-free and delicious!

Hawaiian Shish Kabobs
APR 30, 2014
1lb boneless chicken breasts
1 purple onion
1 red bell pepper
1 container of button mushrooms
A few chunks of pineapple
salt and pepper
*The key to this recipe is to slice everything into equal sizes (I like 1 inch x 1 inch pieces), so that it cooks equally!
Turn grill on medium-high
Slice all the ingredients into equal-sized chunks/pieces
Create an assemb...

Roasted Tomato Soup
APR 30, 2014
15 Roma Tomatoes (sometimes I use 13, sometimes 14, and sometimes 15 - today, I decided on 15)
2 medium yellow onions
3-4 cloves of garlic (or more/less depending on how much you LOVE garlic - I LOVE IT)
1/2 can full-fat coconut milk (I like Thai Kitchen brand - found in Asian section at Kroger)
salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil (but these aren't real ingredients...right?!?!...

Nutty, Maple Granola Bars
APR 16, 2014
Try this yummy treat today! Good snack in the morning, afternoon, or evening! Oh, it is also gluten-free, dairy-free, legume-free, and grain-free BUT SO DELICIOUS!
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup sunflower seed butter (Maranatha brand has the most protein without any added sweeteners - SO GOOD!)
1 cup coconut butter (yes, coconut butter, NOT coconut oil. Coconut...

Splendiferous Roasted Summer Veggie Soup
APR 5, 2014
Good Olive Oil (I use Murray's California Grown Extra Virgin Olive Oil - found at Madeira Kroger)
3 yellow summer squash
3 green zucchini squash
1 large or 2 small yellow onions
6 Roma tomatoes
1/2-1C Sundried tomatoes (more or less depending on how much you love sundried tomatoes)
6,7,8, large carrots (again, it depends on whether you are OBSESSED with carrots like me)
4 cl...

Fabulous Fundraising Efforts
MAR 24, 2014
Since January, Power Ryde has become the place for Charity Fundraisers. As many of you know, once a month Casey offers a 60-minute SURVIVE Ryde supporting Cincinnati Children's Hospital. So far this year Power Ryde has made over $1100 for Cincy Children's.
Power Ryde has also held fundraisers for local PTO's, churches, and Girls on the Run. This past Sunday Erinn Whitehead taught a sold-out cla...
Have you heard the buzz??
OCT 21, 2013
Have you received your fall issue of Venue Magazine? If not, check out the link below to read all about Power Ryde! Or, stop by the Hyde Park Joseph Beth Bookstore to buy your copy of Venue today. Thanks to all of you who come regularly to cycle, sweat, and strengthen with us! For more stories on Power Ryde and its founders, Casey and Meg Hilmer, go to the "About"-->"The Value"-->"In the News."