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Quantify your BURN!

Ryder tracking screen
One Power Ryder's calorie burn after ryding a double with Casey

As a cardio junkie, the first question I always find myself wondering is, "How many calories will I burn doing this activity???" While people can tell you that you will burn X amount of calories and fat by doing a given activity, the only way to truly know is by investing in a heart rate monitor. At Power Ryde, our RealRyder bikes sync with Garmin heart rate monitors. Have a different brand (like Polar) OR don't have a heart rate monitor??? You're in luck! We sell Garmin straps that will sync up with your bike; letting you know what your heart rate is throughout the duration of the class and just how many calories you burned. WARNING: sometimes it can be addicting to try and get your heart rate higher and burn more calories than your previous ryde. But hey, what's wrong with a little competition every once in a while??

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