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Who Brought the POWER in October (2016)?

Polaroid style picture of Kelly and Lena Mondy with 'Who Brought the POWER in 'October'?

Kelly and Lena Mondy

At Power Ryde, we believe it is way more fun to ryde with a buddy than solo. Buddies keep us accountable for our workouts and they motivate us during class to keep pushing and to never give up. Kelly and Lena are not only sister-in-laws, but they are also workout buddies. Rarely do we see one of them without the other...even at 5:30am! On Saturday mornings when one of them decides to stay and ryde a double, so does the other one. They push and inspire each other to work harder and it is amazing to watch.

The best part, however, is the fact that Kelly and Lena are relatively new Power Ryders. They have only been ryding with us for three months! In three months they have already accomplished so much...even I was SHOCKED by their answers to the below questions! I mean, one of them is down 20 POUNDS, yes 20!!!, in just 3 months....AMAZING! Keep reading to learn more about these POWER HOUSE Power Ryders!

What brought you to Power Ryde?

Kelly - I came to ryde to support Erin Lawry for her last class before her mastectomy in July. My intention was to come to this class and that was it...

Lena -  My sister-in-law, Kelly, had taken Erin Lawry's last class before her surgery and she really enjoyed it. I had taken spinning classes years ago, so I thought I would give Power Ryde a try.

Do you remember your first ryde? How did you feel? What kept you coming back for more?

K - was so full of energy; and the support for Erin was overwhelming. I felt great after class. It was hard and I obviously did not stand out of the saddle the whole time, but the class was so upbeat and fun. Like I said, one class to support Erin and that was it…………I was so intrigued by Power Ryde and felt like it was such a great workout, that I told my sister-in-law, Lena, she needed to come try it. Here we both are, 3 months later, coming at least 4 times a week...sometimes 5! (And sometimes doing doubles!!)

L - Yes, I was nervous, but Meg and Amy were very sweet to let me know that no one would be paying attention to me :) I kept coming back because I just loved the music, the energy, and that adrenaline you feel afterwards.

Why do you ryde at Power Ryde?

K - I love the energy and it is a fabulous 45-minute workout. The 5:30am time is perfect for my work schedule and family life.

L - See above, no, but seriously it’s just such a great workout and I love challenging myself to be better at each ryde.

What did you do for fitness prior to Power Ryde?

K - Worked out with trainer a few days a week.

L - I would get my cardio in by using the elliptical and treadmill, but then I started to get bored and wanted to try something different. So this really came at the best time.

What goals has Power Ryde helped you achieve?

K - I have been trying to just be healthy; no crazy diet, just eating clean, making good choices, and exercising. Since starting Power Ryde three months ago I have lost 20 pounds and 6 inches. (THIS IS AMAZING!!!)

L - I've noticed that my endurance and stamina have greatly improved, especially when I go back to the elliptical and treadmill.... (or, DREADmill!)

What goals are you hoping to achieve in 2016?

K - Continue what I have been doing for the last 3 months and lose some more lbs and inches.

L -  I just want to get in the best shape I can. It’s really all about being healthy.

Do you have a favorite moment that you remember at Power Ryde?

K - I love the camaraderie that happens there, especially with the 5:30am regulars; a fantastic group of people!

L -  I think my favorite moment was when Erin Lawry came back as the surprise instructor and then she kicked my butt..... (She ALWAYS does, sorry not sorry!!)

What is your favorite music to ryde to?

K - I have really liked most of the music choices, but probably prefer the rap.

L - I love the rap and the boy bands.

I love that they both, unknowingly, answered this with "rap music!" ...They are definitely related!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

K - I have 5 boys, 3 grown (27, 23 & 21) and 8-year-old twins.

L -  I LOVE to dance and I'm always up for a karaoke night. (Maybe we need to have a Power Ryde karaoke class?!...sing...ryde...breathe...repeat!)

What motivates you?

K - I have struggled with motivation to exercise and be healthy for years. Something just clicked when I started going to Power Ryde and I am grateful for finding such a great place and great group of people.

L - Knowing that each time I ryde I'm getting better; that's my motivation.

When you are not Power Ryding, what can we find you doing?

K - Going to my twins' sporting events and entertaining/cooking/drinking wine with good friends. 

L -  I love to cook for my family and veg out in front of the TV with my wine. A few of my faves: Grey's Anatomy, Bachelor, Bachelorette, and The Walking Dead.

Wow, this is so inspiring. Way to go ladies and cheers to another 3 months!

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